• pulse@pulsebiomed.in
  • 079 46001944

The VIO300D is a high-frequency surgical unit that provides the surgeon with a range of options for precise cutting and coagulation. It has several different operating modes, including monopolar and bipolar modes, which can be used for a variety of surgical procedures.

ERBE VIO 300D Features

The EBRE VIO 300D is an electrosurgical system that is also a generator. The system is user-friendly and can be plugged in and ready to go. The VIO 300 D offers low dosages of power for both cut and coagulation modes. By using a Power Peak System (PPS) in the initial cutting, it allows for the cutting tool to stay in contact with the tissue. The Spark Recognition can detect micro-electric arcs (sparks) and help control the cutting, in length and quality of the cut so it can be reproduced, in both high and low voltage situations. The ERBE VIO 300 D can be a standalone generator but it can also be added to and built upon with additional modular system for more advanced endoscopic procedures.